Helping Dad

Hey dad, whatcha doing? Can I help?

Ha, I escaped!

Yeaaaaa, more water
When mom wasn't looking (she was watching dad) I went exploring and found the river. I had to run down a very steep bank to get there though. Mom was worried that I would not be able to get back up. I suprised her though, I'm great at climbing cliffs. Dad says it's because I have 4 wheel drive!!!
Well that was my fun and exciting tuesday evening.
Hope everyone else had a good evening too!!
Bark to Me: (2)
Wow Talon,
looks like you have been having lots of fun lately!
Can't wait till we can have some more fun adventures together!
--Willow & Stella (& Aunt Laura)
hey, how'd you get your truck in there like that? Mikkay
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