Welcome to my blog!!! Hope you have fun reading!!! Thanks for visiting!!! "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."--Roger Caras "If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them."--Phil Pastoret "A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down."--Robert Benchley "Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate."-- Sigmund Freud "We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made."--M. Acklam "The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." --Andy Rooney "The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue."--Anonymous "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself."--Josh Billings "Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet." --Colette "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." - Ben Williams "A dog wags its tail with its heart" - Martin Buxbaum "If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."--Woodrow Wilson

Monday, February 27, 2006

More Puppy Pics

Here are some more pictures from yesterdays visit.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Puppy Update

Today Willow, Stella and I go to go for aWillow & Talon RUN!! We went to a place where there was LOTS of room, so we could run really fast and not have to worry about putting on our breaks. We had a great time playing tag, sniffing all the trees, and acting silly. Unfortunately Mom forgot to bring her camera so she didn't get any Talon & Willow Speedingphotos. I do have a couple of photos taken yesterday when Aunt Laura and Willow came over to help with my new and improved blog. Willow and I got a chance to run around my yard together for awhile. It was lots of fun too. We, of course, then had pose for them. Willow & Talon DistractedWillow and I got a little distracted by the neighbors once though.
After our run we all got to go visit my grandpuppies again. They are now one month old. I can't believe it, time goes by fast. This time I had to stay in Stella & Puppiesthe truck and see them from a distance but Willow and Stella got to visit them up close. They are lots more active now. They have their eyes open and are walking and running around. They still make those strange noises though. Aunt Laura was happy to see that there were some with Pink noses likePink Nose Puppy Stella and Willow have. Her and mom still favor the black one though. Even I have to admit that she is cute. We got a good shot of all three different shades of puppies. Mom says the dark ones remind her ofThree Shades of Labs when I was little. Dad's friend says they all have good homes to go to when they get a little older. That makes me happy to know. One even gets to stay in my town. Maybe I will get to go see her sometimes. Hopefully we will get to visit them all one more time before they get split up. Well gotta go it's past my bedtime.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

New & Improved

Me snuggling with Hugs Check out the new look of my blog!
It's more fitting for a hunting dog - dontcha think?.
I want to thank my Aunt Laura for helping with the new template design.
Hopefully I'll do better at making new posts now.
Hope you all like the changes - I sure do!
And, hey, I've had over 1,000 hits now,thanks to all of mom and Aunt Laura's work on my blog. :o)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

New Floor

My first time walking on the new floorMom and dad are remodeling again. This time they decided to put in a new floor in our laundry room. Keep in mind, I have to come through this room every time I come in the back door. Now with this new floor, I'm kinda leary. It's very slick. If I come in too fast, I slide to the other end - I found this out the hard way, during my first encounter with the new floor! Mom and dad seem to like it though. Apparently they have better traction. Either that, or they're just not as speedy as I am.
Today I supervised dad while he was fixing a door for the room. But then he got out the STUPID sander. I really don't like this machine. It makes WAY too much noise! When mom gotMe on the couch with the remote - hiding from dad's sander off the couch to come see what all the racket was about, I took the opportunity to take over the couch. It's nice and safe and far away from the stupid sander and all the noise. When mom came back, she was not impressed that I had stolen the remote too. You snooze, you lose!!! I was nice and shared the couch with her, but I kept the remote. No sappy movies for me - the outdoor channel is best!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I'm a Grandpa!!!

Butter and her puppiesOn January 25, I became a grandpa! Can you believe it? Me... a grandpa! I'm only 3!!! One of my daughters, Butter, gave birth to 10 lively puppies - nine yellows, and one lone black. Four of the yellow puppies are dark like me. the litterMom says they're sooooo sweet, but I know they're going to grow up to be ornery just like me. After all, my daughters, Stella, Butter and Emmy did!
Butter lives with my dad's friend "Turkey" and his wife, so we can go visit the puppies any time we want. Aunt Laura, Willow, mom, dad, and I all Me checking out the grandkidswent to check them out today (they are eight days old now). They even let me go into the garage see them - I never got to visit my kids when they were this young. I can't believe how small they are! Mom holding a puppyThey all like to lay in a great big pile on top of each other - I guess that's how they keep warm. They're very cute - I'm sure they get it from me! And they make funny little noises - I don't know where they get that from. Aunt Laura and mom seemed to like the black one best - I think just 'cause she is different than the rest. Mom says they're all very cute though. Willow even checked the Aunt Laura holding the black puppypuppies out. I think she was a little worried that another "crazy" one would be coming to her house, but she seemed to like them too. Aunt Laura thinks one of them needs to come to my house, this time.