This is me when it snowed last month. It was the first snow of the season.

It came along with a suprise visiter!!!

I did'nt catch her name but I found her in my yard. We got along great! We ran and played for quite awhile, till dad made me come inside. When I went back out she was gone. I hope she will come to visit again, I kind of liked her.
Speaking of visiters I have had quite a few this past month. My silly daughter Stella, Willow and Aunt Laura came over a couple of times. Here are a few pictures of them.

Stella curling up on the couch trying to be sneaky.
She isn't supposed to be on it but I told her that if she is
quiet and still then mom might not even notice her.
It works for me, sometimes!

Willow haning out, watching crazy Stella try to be sneaky.

BUSTED!!! Mom and Aunt Laura caught her, but since she was being SO CUTE they let it slide. This time!!

This is mom and grandma's cat Magic.
She actualy didn't visit me ( I'm not sure she likes me),
but mom and dad got to see her at Thanksgiving,
so I thought I would include her.

This is the New Addition to the family. Her name is Sierra, she belongs to grandma. I haven't got to see her yet, only pictures of her. I would like to met her buy dad thinks I might try to chase her. I wouldn't!! Really!! Well maybe but only if she trys to run from me. I wouldn't hurt her though. I like cats. It's just fun to chase them. Anyway Welcome to the family Sierra.
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