Stella & I's Hunting Date
Today Stella got to go hunting with me, mom, and dad. It was quite an eventful day. It started off with mom and dad having to help wrangle an escaped cow for their friend. Stella and I peeked through our dog boxes in the back of the truck, to keep
an eye on everything that was happening. We really wanted to help. It looked like lots of fun chasing the cow. We thought we'd be good at it, but nobody ever asked us to help.
Once that was done, we were off to find a good hunting spot. The first spot we picked, Stella got to go hunt and I had to stay in the truck. Stella was very excited, because she hasn't been hunting since last fall during dove season. Unfortunately, she got a little too excited and
got into a barbed wire fence. If I would have been out there with her, I would have told her not to run into it, but dad made me stay in the truck. Once again, nobody asked for my help. It didn't seem to hurt her too bad, so she and dad went on ahead hunting today, but they couldn't find any birds.
Then, we were all off to the next patch. This time it was my turn. It was kinda cold and windy, so mom stayed in the truck - she's a wimp. I tried really hard, but I couldn't find any birds either! So,
we were all off to the next patch.
On the way to the next hunting patch, we drove by dad's home town. Mom took a neat picture of it, as we were driving by - it's on the right --> .
At the next patch, it was Stella's turn to go hunting with dad again. She was in luck, no barbed wire fences this time, but she had to to through lots of tall weeds. She wanted to follow dad instead of run in front of him like she was supposed to do. She had fun anyway, but still found no birds.
I hunted one more patch too, but no birds - I guess it just wasn't our day. When we got done hunting and went back to Aunt Laura's house, we found out that poor Stella had gotten a pretty big gash in her leg. She even had to have stitches! I feel ter
rible!!! Aunt Laura is never going to let us take Stella hunting with us again! Maybe, if I ask real sweetly and give her my cute puppy-dog eyes, she will let me take Stella with me on another trip in the fall.
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