I'm a Grandpa!!!
On January 25, I became a grandpa! Can you believe it? Me... a grandpa! I'm only 3!!! One of my daughters, Butter, gave birth to 10 lively puppies - nine yellows, and one lone black. Four of the yellow puppies are dark like me.
Mom says they're sooooo sweet, but I know they're going to grow up to be ornery just like me. After all, my daughters, Stella, Butter and Emmy did! Butter lives with my dad's friend "Turkey" and his wife, so we can go visit the puppies any time we want. Aunt Laura, Willow, mom, dad, and I all
went to check them out today (they are eight days old now). They even let me go into the garage see them - I never got to visit my kids when they were this young. I can't believe how small they are!
They all like to lay in a great big pile on top of each other - I guess that's how they keep warm. They're very cute - I'm sure they get it from me! And they make funny little noises - I don't know where they get that from. Aunt Laura and mom seemed to like the black one best - I think just 'cause she is different than the rest. Mom says they're all very cute though. Willow even checked the
puppies out. I think she was a little worried that another "crazy" one would be coming to her house, but she seemed to like them too. Aunt Laura thinks one of them needs to come to my house, this time.
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