New Floor
Mom and dad are remodeling again. This time they decided to put in a new floor in our laundry room. Keep in mind, I have to come through this room every time I come in the back door. Now with this new floor, I'm kinda leary. It's very slick. If I come in too fast, I slide to the other end - I found this out the hard way, during my first encounter with the new floor! Mom and dad seem to like it though. Apparently they have better traction. Either that, or they're just not as speedy as I am. Today I supervised dad while he was fixing a door for the room. But then he got out the STUPID sander. I really don't like this machine. It makes WAY too much noise! When mom got
off the couch to come see what all the racket was about, I took the opportunity to take over the couch. It's nice and safe and far away from the stupid sander and all the noise. When mom came back, she was not impressed that I had stolen the remote too. You snooze, you lose!!! I was nice and shared the couch with her, but I kept the remote. No sappy movies for me - the outdoor channel is best!
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