My Exciting Day
Today was a very exciting day for me!
It all started when I got to go with Mom and Dad get to Mc Donalds this morning. They were going to get breakfast. Unfortunately I don't usually get any thing when we go to Mc Donalds.
(When dad takes me to the bank with him I get dog biscuits or animal crackers from the people there.) I still like going though because of all the great smells coming from inside. I try to strech my head really close to the drive-up window, that's where you can get the best sniff. After breakfast we went on a road trip to see grandpa Melvin and grandma Karen
in Courtland. It's not very far from where I live but I like to go on road trips and feel the breeze on me. I got to run around the yard and check everything out. I even got to go inside their house to visit for awhile. I got into a little trouble while I was in there though. I sort of jumped on their bed. It was fun but grandma wasn't impressed.
While we were there dad helped grandpa hang a swing and do some other stuff aroung the yard . I found out that their neighbors got rid of their goats. Mom and I were sad because we really liked them. Mom thought they were cute. She used to have a pet goat when she was little. She even says I'm part goat sometimes!!When we got home from grandpa and grandma's house I
got to go on another adventure!! Willlow, Stella and I got to go to the airport park for a run. Mom, Dad
and Aunt Laura went too. We were all very excited about this!! It was a beautiful day out and the weather was perfect for a run . Not tooo cold for mom and not tooo hot for us dogs with thick fur coats. We like going to the park because there is a lot of trees and bushes around to smell, hills for speeding down, and plenty of open space to run
and be crazy. We had loads fun. Willow and Stella even ganged up on me a couple of times and both came after me and chased me around. The park
also has water faucets were we can get drinks when we get hot and thirsty. This is better than all three of us trying to drink out of the little bucket dad usually has to bring along when there is no water around. Of course we still have to wait our turn
and sometimes we aren't too good at that. We all want a drink at the same time. Willow doesn't really like the faucet too
much though. She's more civilized I guess. She will usually drink from one, but it takes her awhile to be convinced. Stella and I however, usually try to be the 1st ones to get there. Stella must have gotten really warm (or else she's just silly) because she decided to lay down right under the water! She was ALL wet.
Aunt Laura said that it was okay thought because she was already dirty. When they got home thought the both Stella and Willow were going to get a bath.
I'm not sure that sounds very fun. After our crazy running, our game of tag, and our drinks it was time to make our way back to the truck. We all just took a nice calm stroll back, enjoying the scenery. Taking our time. It's a stall tactic, i'll admit.
It usually buys us a little more time.
With all my adventures it was a great day! I hope you all had an exciting day and a wonderful weekend too.
Bark to Me: (2)
Hi Talon,
Glad you had a GREAT day yesterday. Like always, we had TONS of fun running around at the park with you. We should make our parents take us to do that EVERY day. Also, good news, we haven't gotten those baths yet! Maybe, if we don't say anything Mom will forget all about it. :-)
Love ya,
- Willow & Stella
Those are awesome pics and narration. I had a busy day today in the snow! Snow in March is great, I love it.
Oh and by the way, I get one french fry from the drive thru at McDonalds. The same guy in the little window likes to feed it to me each time.
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