Airport Park Outing
Last weekend Mom, Dad, Aunt Laura, Willow, Stella and I all went to the Airport Park. There is tons of room to be CRAZY!!! We had a blast running around chasing each other. Well at least Willow, Stella and I did I'm not sure about the rest.
There were also LOTS of trees around to sniff. Willow really liked this particular tree!!!
It was a beautiful day outside. I love to run down big hills. This is a picture of me, I 'm going so fast I'm just a blur!!!!
The best part is when we get hot we get to drink out of a water faucet. I love it. So does Stella!!

But...She finally gave in and drank out of the faucet too.
As usual Mom and Aunt Laura has to have a group photo so here it is.
Not bad for a bunch of wild and crazy dogs!!!