Hello, It's been forever since my post! I can't believe how time flies! I seems like just yesterday it was dad's birthday but now here it is August already! It's been a wild, crazy and lazy summer. Mom and dad have been going all sorts of places. I've been lounging around trying to be good and keep cool. If I'm good I get to go inside where it's cooler, it's been REALLY HOT where I live. Well I will try to recap what I've done over the past several months, what I can remember anyway. At least I will hit some of the highlights.
April .....

... Was kind of boring.
The most exciting thing that I can remember is that I got a new niece.
She's pretty cute I guess for a baby girl.
Easter was pretty fun too everyone came to my house to celebrate.
Willow and I had fun playing.

Well that about covers April. I had better go now, dad will be waking up from his nap any minute now and he will want to use the computer. Stay tuned though, I will be back with more of my adventures!