My Christmas Presents

The adventures of an active affable yellow Lab, as seen through the eyes (and camera lens) of his parents.
My dad and I have lots of fun together. One of my favorite things is to wrestle! Mom says we are crazy though, she doesn't like wresting.
Well it's Christmas time so that means the annual Christmas Photo. In order for mom to get one photo she thinks she needs to take a bazillion!! Don't get me wrong I like to get my picture taken but sometimes I get tired of being so good for so long. Anyway here are a few of them. I think they are fine but I'm sure she will have to take some more before Christmas gets here.
This one is me begging her to stop!!
This is me when it snowed last month. It was the first snow of the season.
It came along with a suprise visiter!!!
I did'nt catch her name but I found her in my yard. We got along great! We ran and played for quite awhile, till dad made me come inside. When I went back out she was gone. I hope she will come to visit again, I kind of liked her.
Speaking of visiters I have had quite a few this past month. My silly daughter Stella, Willow and Aunt Laura came over a couple of times. Here are a few pictures of them.
I Love the cool weather this time of the year. It makes me want to run around like a nut, as my mom would say. Today it SNOWED!! I got to play in it for awhile with mom. She hates the cold so we did't stay out very long. Then when dad came home I got to play with him for awhile. They both get cold too fast. They always want to come in just when I 'm starting to have fun. (I always have to check out the smells in the yard first, then I play)
Since dad gets cold easier than me sometimes I like to try and warm him up. My plan is the quicker he gets warmed up the sooner he will go back outside with me!!