New Friends & Pheasants
Last weekend mom and dad's friends from Texas came up for a pheasant hunt. They'd been to Kansas for deer hunting before, but they've never been on a pheasant hunt. Dad and his friends, and us dogs, showed 'em how it was done.
At the top of this post there are a couple of shots from day one and day two. Day one is without us dogs and day two pictures have me and CC in them. It was a great weekend. We got lots of pheasants, and even a quail! Grandpa shot it. In some of the pictures you
can see CC and I are sniffing the quail. We both thought the quail was very interesting, especially because we don't get to hunt for them very often.
My girlfriend CC (the other yellow Lab), grandpa's dog Hunter (the Britney - in the left box), and my other friend Tarren (not pictured) and I had lots of fun finding birds together. However, we got very hungry and worn out with all that hunting. When we got back, CC was sooooo starving that she
even raided my food stash! And I was so tired that I just lounged in my dog box for a while.
I really hope our Texas friends decide to come back to visit us and do some more pheasant hunting next year, because we all had so much fun together. And I always like meeting new people who want to go hunting with me!